H2O Health Prescott, Arizona

the cell


People ask me all the time if I think the water will get better. I think I can answer that with 99.9% certainty — they don’t call then “forever chemicals” for nothing! I’ve watched water quality just get worse and worse for 50 years now. It’s crazy and a downright shame what we have done to our precious drinking water!

I’ve been educating people for years about good health, and it’s really very simple. Health begins in the cell! Every cell from skin cells to every other cell inside the body has a recipe —a formula – of what it needs to rebuild itself. You have about 16 TRILLION skin cells alone, depending on your size. Your skin is your largest organ, it’s more important than most think.

From the moment of conception, cells begin this amazing multiplication magic of cells splitting and dividing and it doesn’t stop until we run out of minerals. Once you run out of minerals, it’s game over. That is why nutrients are vital to good health. Cells need hydrogen, oxygen, and nutrient-rich WATER for this process to keep working in the body; when cells lack these things, everything begins to decline! Healthy cells make a healthy body and sick cells build a sick body.

Cells in our bodies are 90% water and are like little sponges, sucking up water. They are looking for the needed nutrients to stay healthy. Without nutrients cells die, and if enough of them die the whole organism will collapse — and death occurs. Cells must have clean hydrogen, oxygen, nutrient-rich water to remain well.

Water transports everything through your body to the cell, the good and the bad. Protect your health from costly medical bills and harmful toxins by drinking clean water! Clean water is your best defense against all dis-ease and dis-orders.

Remember, buy a filter or be a filter. Call me today at 928-899-7504 or go online to h2ohealth.com. Visit our store in the Gateway Mall, H2O Health, your healthy water place – and so much more.

Take Care, I care,
Vickie Johnston
Owner H2O Health

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Introducing the Whole Home Water Filtration System

From drinking, cooking, to bathing ~ every faucet in your home will be provided with safe and cleaner water!

We build whole home custom water systems that are able to remove/reduce pesticides, herbicides, arsenic, radium, uranium and
many other toxic chemicals and bacteria you do not want to be drinking everyday.

One size never fits all when it comes to water. We do not remove the essential minerals that your body needs!!

Water quality and quantity is a factor that must always be considered. We do water testing for wells.

Text Vickie direct for more info at 602-361-4010