H2O Health Prescott, Arizona

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Delivering Clean Water for a Healthier You


Meet the Owner Vickie Johnston

Vickie Johnston is a dedicated advocate for health, nutrition, and sustainable living, tirelessly working to make a difference in the lives of those around her. Her passion stems from a deep-seated concern about the alarming state of public health in the United States. Despite significant advancements in medical science, almost half of the population is still afflicted with diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Vickie finds this paradox deeply troubling, as the United States, with its resources and technological advancements, should be the healthiest nation on earth. However, the reality is starkly different, indicating a profound issue in how health and wellness are approached in society.

Vickie’s journey began at a young age, working in a hospital lab where she gained invaluable hands-on experience. Simultaneously, she pursued her college education, graduating in 1977. This period was crucial in shaping her understanding of health and medicine, as it allowed her to blend academic knowledge with practical experience. Her early exposure to the medical field ignited a lifelong passion for promoting healthy and clean living.

Women at table discussing health pamphlet

Vickie has always been a fervent student of health, the human body, and the environment. Her curiosity and commitment have earned her the nickname “mad scientist,” a title she proudly embraces. She believes that the current health crisis is largely due to a lack of awareness and education. People are suffering and dying prematurely because they lack essential knowledge about how to maintain their health and well-being. This realization fuels Vickie’s mission to educate and empower individuals to take control of their health through informed choices.

Vickie’s advocacy is driven by a profound sense of responsibility and compassion. She is deeply committed to educating the public about the importance of nutrition, exercise, and sustainable living. Her approach is holistic, recognizing that true health encompasses physical, mental, and environmental well-being. Vickie is particularly passionate about promoting “green living” practices, understanding that a healthy environment is integral to human health.

One of Vickie’s primary concerns is the disconnect between medical advancements and public health outcomes. Despite groundbreaking scientific discoveries, the prevalence of chronic diseases remains alarmingly high. Vickie attributes this to a systemic failure in addressing the root causes of these conditions. She advocates for a more preventative approach to health, emphasizing the importance of lifestyle choices in disease prevention. This includes a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and reducing exposure to environmental toxins.

Education is at the heart of Vickie’s mission. She believes that by equipping people with the right knowledge, they can make better health decisions and lead longer, healthier lives. Her educational efforts extend beyond individual health, encompassing broader issues such as environmental sustainability and community wellness. Vickie is a strong proponent of integrating health education into school curriculums, believing that early education is key to fostering lifelong healthy habits.

Vickie Johnston’s work is a testament to the power of passion and commitment in driving change. Her dedication to health, nutrition, and green living is inspiring, highlighting the critical need for education and awareness in addressing the current health crisis. By promoting informed choices and sustainable practices, Vickie is helping to pave the way for a healthier future. Her message is clear: through knowledge and proactive lifestyle changes, we can combat the prevalent health issues and move towards a society where health and well-being are attainable for all.

Contact Vickie

From her earliest days, Vickie has always had an unwavering passion for good health and well-being. This passion became the foundation for a journey that led her to places she never dreamed possible. Vickie’s commitment to health didn’t just change her life; it opened doors and created opportunities that allowed her to make a significant impact on the world.

Vickie’s journey began with a simple yet profound idea: to share her knowledge and enthusiasm for healthy living with others. This idea took shape in the form of a green magazine, a publication dedicated to promoting sustainable and healthy lifestyles. The magazine quickly gained traction, resonating with readers who were eager to embrace a more holistic approach to their health. Through her magazine, Vickie was able to educate and inspire countless individuals, providing them with the tools and information they needed to make positive changes in their lives.

But Vickie’s journey didn’t stop there. As she delved deeper into the world of health and wellness, she identified a gap in the market for ergonomic products that could improve people’s quality of life. With her entrepreneurial spirit and keen understanding of marketing, Vickie set out to develop a range of products designed to support healthy living. From ergonomic furniture to innovative wellness gadgets, her products were met with enthusiasm and quickly became popular among health-conscious consumers.

The success of her ergonomic product line propelled Vickie even further into the health and wellness industry. She became a recognized expert, frequently invited to speak at conferences and events, where she shared her insights and experiences. Her ability to connect with audiences and convey complex ideas in an accessible way made her a sought-after speaker and consultant.

Vickie’s diverse experiences in marketing and product development gave her a unique perspective on building a successful business. She wore many hats, from product designer to marketing strategist, and her hands-on approach allowed her to understand every aspect of her business. This holistic understanding was key to her success, enabling her to make informed decisions and adapt to changing market trends.

Her international business quickly grew, expanding its reach and impact. Vickie’s dedication to quality and her unwavering commitment to promoting health and wellness resonated with customers around the globe. Her business not only provided innovative products but also fostered a community of like-minded individuals who shared her passion for health.

Today, Vickie’s journey continues as she explores new ways to promote health and well-being. Her story is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. What started as a simple desire to live a healthier life evolved into a successful international business that has touched the lives of many.

Vickie’s journey is far from over. She remains dedicated to her mission of promoting health and wellness, constantly seeking new opportunities to make a difference. Her story serves as an inspiration to anyone with a dream, showing that with passion, dedication, and hard work, anything is possible. From creating a green magazine to developing ergonomic products and building a thriving international business, Vickie has shown that a commitment to health can open doors to endless possibilities.

Meet The Team








Our Team


Water & Health Solutions

Are you looking for a whole house water filter system? Whether you simply want water that tastes better or you’re investigating whole house water filters for the sake of your family’s health, our team has solutions.

We offer powerful products to help rebuild, detox, revitalize body systems, and rejuvenate cells to improve your health and the way you look. Most of our clients are simply amazed by our water and health solutions because we focus on your health and wellness.

There are over 700 peer review studies now showing the benefits of drinking hydrogen-rich, cleaner water. If  you are looking for solutions to get better water, alkaline, hydrogen, mineral, or oxygen-rich water, we have them all. We consult with a team of experts with over 100 years of combined experience when it comes to processes that help us develop whole home water solutions.

We’re not your average water company or plumber selling one size fits all systems, that come off a shelf prebuilt. We look at what’s in the water in your area to help you come up with a solution to fit your needs. All water is different, and it only makes sense to treat it as such.

Water matters, nothing can affect the human cells faster than water. Vickie has said for many years, “Clean water is your bodies best defense against all dis-ease and dis-orders”. After all we are about 70% water overall, it just makes too much sense that the quality and quantity of water could make the difference in our long-term health. H2O Health has your back when it comes to today’s water problems and seeking out solutions that folks can afford.

Water Filter Units
Healthy Product bottles
Simple Health and Wellness Solutions that WORK!

At our core, we believe that living in total wellness should be both accessible and affordable, because health truly is wealth. With a combined experience of over 40 years, our dedicated staff is here to answer all your questions and provide the education you need to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

We pride ourselves on offering some of the highest quality products available in the marketplace. Our retail selection includes a wide range of health and wellness products that have been carefully curated to ensure they meet our stringent standards. Whether you are looking for vitamins, supplements, natural remedies, or organic skincare, we have something for everyone.

Our team is passionate about health and wellness and is committed to helping you achieve your personal health goals. We believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy and balanced life, and we are here to support you on your journey. From the moment you walk through our doors, you will be greeted by friendly and knowledgeable staff who are ready to assist you with all your health and wellness needs.

We understand that navigating the world of health products can be overwhelming, which is why we are dedicated to providing you with the information and guidance you need. Our staff is always available to answer your questions, offer recommendations, and help you find the products that are right for you.

At our store, we are more than just a retailer; we are a community of like-minded individuals who share a common goal of living in total wellness. We invite you to visit us and discover the difference that our high-quality products and expert staff can make in your life. Live well, live healthy, and live affordably with our trusted health and wellness solutions.


H2O Health Store Interior
15 Gallon Challenge

We don’t just say it, we prove it, come in our store today and take our!


Welcome to a new era of hydration and wellness! At H2O Water and Health Solutions, we believe in the transformative power of high-quality water. That’s why we’re inviting you to take part in our 15-Gallon Challenge. By the end of this journey, we’re confident you’ll not only see but also feel and taste the remarkable difference that superior water can make.

Are you a coffee lover? Prepare for a treat! Our purified water enhances the flavor of your coffee, making each cup taste smoother and more enjoyable. The impurities commonly found in tap water can alter the taste of your coffee, but with our water, you’ll experience the pure, unadulterated flavors of your favorite brew.

At H2O Water and Health Solutions, we don’t just sell water by the gallon; we offer comprehensive solutions to ensure your entire home enjoys the benefits of clean water. Our advanced filtration systems are designed to take back all your taps, providing you with the best water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. We design the full house water system for YOUR house.

Everyone wants that healthy glow, and with our filtration systems, it’s within your reach. Pure water can improve the appearance of your skin, nails, and hair, giving you a radiant and vibrant look. But the benefits don’t stop at aesthetics. Clean water plays a crucial role in your overall health, from improved digestion to better hydration, and enhanced bodily functions.

At H2O Water and Health Solutions we are committed to delivering the highest quality water to our customers. Our state-of-the-art filtration systems are designed to remove many contaminants, ensuring that you and your family drink the cleanest water possible. Nothing impacts our health like clean drinking water, and we are dedicated to making this a reality for you.

Join us in our mission to improve health and wellbeing, one gallon at a time. Take the 15-Gallon Challenge today and discover the difference that better water can make in your life.

Better Health = More Wealth

n today’s world, medical costs are continually rising, making it more crucial than ever to take control of your health. One of the simplest and most effective ways to do this is by ensuring you drink cleaner water. The advantages of drinking purified water are immense, and you’ll quickly notice the positive impact on your body. Once you embark on your journey to better health, you’ll want to enjoy the benefits of clean water from your faucet every day.

Our range of water filtration systems is designed to meet diverse needs, from whole-house systems to convenient countertop models. These systems are engineered to reduce or remove many numerous contaminants commonly found in today’s water supply. Harmful substances such as arsenic, chlorine, lead, pharmaceuticals, herbicides, pesticides, PFAS, PFOS, and other carcinogenic chemicals are effectively filtered out, providing you with safer, healthier water.

Years ago, we didn’t have to worry about these toxic chemicals, but now they are a significant concern. Investing in a reliable water purification system is a proactive step toward safeguarding your health. Our team is dedicated to sourcing the best whole house water filtration technology available, ensuring you receive top-quality water every time.

When you’re ready to invest in a whole house water purification system that meets your needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We pride ourselves on offering solutions that deliver clean, safe, and great-tasting water straight from your tap. Our commitment to excellence means we are always exploring the latest advancements in water filtration to provide you with the best possible options.

Take control of your health today by choosing a water filtration system that works for you. Contact us to learn more about our products and how they can improve your water quality. Experience the difference that cleaner water can make in your life and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your water is free from harmful contaminants.

Whole-house and countertop models: Tailored solutions for every household and designed for YOUR water.

Comprehensive contaminant reduction: Removes most of arsenic, chlorine, lead, pharmaceuticals, herbicides, pesticides, PFAS, PFOS, and more.

Health improvement: Experience the positive effects of drinking cleaner water.

Advanced filtration technology: We constantly seek the best in water purification.

Dedicated support: Our team is here to help you choose the right system for your needs.

Invest in your health by ensuring you have access to the cleanest water possible. Reach out to us today to find out how our filtration systems can make a difference in your home.

What are you waiting for?

There are options for every budget!

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Introducing the Whole Home Water Filtration System

From drinking, cooking, to bathing ~ every faucet in your home will be provided with safe and cleaner water!

We build whole home custom water systems that are able to remove/reduce pesticides, herbicides, arsenic, radium, uranium and
many other toxic chemicals and bacteria you do not want to be drinking everyday.

One size never fits all when it comes to water. We do not remove the essential minerals that your body needs!!

Water quality and quantity is a factor that must always be considered. We do water testing for wells.

Text Vickie direct for more info at 602-361-4010



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