H2O Health Prescott, Arizona

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H2O 12,000 – Under Sink Alkaline Water System


Are you worried about the water your family is drinking? It’s easy to protect your family with our PureVita line of water filtration products! No more worrying about chlorine and at least 200 nasty chemicals in drinking water today. Remember ‘Buy a filter or BE a filter!”


We know everyone can’t afford to start out with the best units we offer so we wanted to offer a reasonable option to get the next best thing for your drinking water. Our H2O 10,000 unit goes under the sink and comes with a dedicated faucet for your drinking water. This water is cleaner and alkaline! This unit has 4 filters that will need to be tested about every 6 months to alert you when the filters need to be changed out and replaced. This is not a reverse osmosis (RO) system as we don’t recommend reverse osmosis systems; they remove all the beneficial minerals your body requires. Minerals found in water are essential to every cell for cells to regenerate new, healthy cells.

Tank Size

1-Million Gallon, 2-Million Gallon

Introducing the PUREVITA Whole Home Water Filtration System

From drinking, cooking, to bathing ~ every faucet in your home will be provided with safe and clean water!

Our Whole Home Water system removes pesticides, herbicides, arsenic, radium, uranium and MORE!

We do not remove the essential minerals that your body needs!!